Hoover has evolved from being a quaint suburb of Birmingham to the sixth largest city in the state of Alabama and an economic driver for Jefferson and Shelby counties. Known for its award−winning public schools, diverse retail and restaurant experiences, and recreational facilities, Hoover has attracted employers and new residents to the area. Economic development initiatives led by the City of Hoover to develop a diverse portfolio of businesses have attracted companies to relocate from other areas and encouraged start−up entities to grow and expand here. Large and publicly recognized employers like Regions Bank, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Alabama, McLeod Software, NXTSoft, and others provide high−wage jobs to Hoover residents.
Limited land for new business development, competition to attract key employers to relocate to the Hoover, and a lack of awareness of Hoover’s brand outside of Alabama is a challenge. Small businesses have limited resources, find it difficult to attract and retain talent, and need support to gain visibility in a competitive marketplace. Almost 70 percent of all businesses in the Hoover area are considered as small businesses, as defined by the Small Business Administration.
Hoover is positioned to continue to be the desired location for employers, residents, and visitors. Recognized
as the “Best Place to Live in Alabama” by 24/7 Wall St., Hoover launched the “Love To Live in Hoover” campaign, to help Hoover distinguish its own unique brand apart from its association with the Birmingham metropolitan area. Hoover can also capitalize on its recognition and the abundance of visitors that sporting events attract to market all that Hoover offers.
The Hoover Area Chamber of Commerce is committed to foster economic vitality by helping to attract and retain businesses and ensure that businesses have what they need to thrive. The Chamber is focused on achieving three objectives over the next three years.
Objective A: Increase public awareness and assist the City of Hoover in marketing and raising awareness of economic and community development efforts.
Hoover has been successful in supporting existing employers and attracting new employers to the area to diversify the local economy. It is imperative for Hoover to offer high quality and high−wage jobs to attract and retain a skilled workforce and to develop a sustainable economic base for the area. The Chamber will leverage two strategies to attract and retain key employers in the Hoover area:
Strategy 1: Serve as a marketing and research partner for the City of Hoover’s Economic Development Department.
Objective B: Create a thriving small and mid-size business ecosystem
Hoover, like many cities across the country, has predominantly small businesses. Every large employer started with an entrepreneur with a dream that needed support from mentors and business advisors, to learn from other business owners, and a network for visibility and business development. The Chamber will leverage two strategies to create a thriving small business ecosystem in the Hoover area:
Strategy 1: Be the “concierge” for entrepreneurs, start-ups, and small and mid-size business owners to promote and connect businesses to essential resources, people, information, and opportunities.
Objective C: Encourage people to live, work, play, and start a business in Hoover
Hoover has always been a desirable place to live and raise a family. A high quality of life with good schools, amenities, cultural activities, and natural environment to enjoy, Hoover has it all. With a diverse business environment, residents have options for employment in multiple industry sectors. Recreational facilities and retail experiences bring together residents and attract visitors from around the state. Hoover can capitalize on its assets by sharing information on what to do in the area, promote the business community, and tell its own stories about what makes Hoover great and where it’s headed. The Chamber will leverage two strategies to share how to live, work, and play in the Hoover area:
Strategy 1: Create a new public relations and community relations strategy to tell Hoover’s story.
Strategy 2: Create and leverage new opportunities and events to bring Hoover businesses and residents together.