Hoover has approximately 4500 identified businesses that are diverse in size, industry, and scope of operations.
The business community provides jobs for residents in Jefferson and Shelby counties and generates tax revenue for city and county municipalities to provide services and amenities for residents and visitors alike. Growth in the local business community has provided economic benefits for the Hoover−Birmingham area and the state of Alabama.
The COVID−19 pandemic impacted all businesses in the area with government−imposed shutdowns and mandates, global and national supply−chain challenges, and workforce shortages. Small businesses, retailers and restaurants, and the hospitality industry were hit the hardest. It will take a while for the some business community members to recover and adapt to changing workforce and consumer expectations. Ongoing business challenges include the permitting process and government regulations, rising costs of doing business, and helping small business owners to thrive and grow.
Business owners and corporate managers are busy running their operations and staying abreast of issues that may impact them, adapting to changing policies, and communicating their needs to policymakers are additional challenges. The collaborations between the Chamber and community stakeholder organizations, support for ongoing and new initiatives, and essential resources will help businesses recover and thrive.
The Hoover Area Chamber of Commerce is committed to create a positive business climate for Hoover employers and leverage the diversity of our communities. The Chamber is focused on achieving three objectives over the next three years.
Objective A: Informed Business Community
Hoover business owners and managers would benefit from being more informed about issues that may affect business operations, learn about opportunities to elevate their brand, and access resources and support from other businesses in the area. The Chamber will leverage two strategies to develop an informed business community:
Strategy 1: Serve as the community’s convener to foster dialogue and to create needed resources and solutions.
Strategy 2: Create multi-media platforms for communications, advocacy, and business intelligence.
Objective B: Government Relations
Hoover business owners and managers are busy running operations and need a collective voice to influence policies, regulations, and the cost of doing business at all levels of government. Providing opportunities for business and government to engage can help create a more positive environment that achieves win−win outcomes. The Chamber will leverage two strategies to be the trusted advocate for business:
Strategy 1: Serve as liaison for small and mid-size businesses to local and state governments.
Strategy 2: Increase volunteer participation in the Chamber’s Government Relations Committee to champion business interests with elected officials
Objective C: Act as a community partner for diversity, inclusion, and belonging
Hoover has attracted a diverse population which has helped it become one of the most diverse communities in Alabama. Much of the diverse development of residents, neighborhoods, and businesses occurred organically without intentional directives. Demographic changes will require intentional initiatives to engage diverse talent and develop the next generation of leaders. The Chamber will leverage two strategies to serve as the community partner for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion:
Strategy 1: Communications to increase awareness of Hoover as a culturally diverse, safe, and welcoming community.
Strategy 2: Support diversity in Hoover’s business leadership
Strategy 3: Measure and monitor diversity in the business community and workforce